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Опубликовано 24 апр 2014 На SciPeople 31 дек 2016 Журнал J Med Chem.

Thienoquinolines as novel disruptors of the PKCe/RACK2 protein-protein interaction

Rechfeld F, Gruber P, Kirchmair J, Boehler M, Hauser N, Hechenberger G, Garczarczyk D, Lapa GB, Preobrazhenskaya MN, Goekjian P, Langer T, Hofmann J. / Gennady Lapa
24 апр 2014


ABSTRACT: Ten protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes play divergent roles in signal transduction. Because of sequence similarities, it is particularly difficult to generate isozyme-selective small molecule inhibitors. In order to identify such a selective binder, we derived a pharmacophore model from the peptide EAVSLKPT, a fragment of PKCε that inhibits the interaction of PKCε and receptor for activated C-kinase 2 (RACK2). A database of 330 000 molecules was screened in silico, leading to the discovery of a series of thienoquinolines that disrupt the interaction of PKCε with RACK2 in vitro. The most active molecule, N-(3-acetylphenyl)-9- amino-2,3-dihydro-1,4-dioxino[2,3-g]thieno[2,3-b]quinoline-8-carboxamide (8), inhibited this interaction with a measured IC50 of 5.9 μM and the phosphorylation of downstream target Elk-1 in HeLa cells with an IC50 of 11.2 μM. Compound 8 interfered with MARCKS phosphorylation and TPA-induced translocation of PKCε (but not that of PKCδ) from the cytosol to the membrane. The compound reduced the migration of HeLa cells into a gap, reduced invasion through a reconstituted basement membrane matrix, and inhibited angiogenesis in a chicken egg assay.


J Med Chem. 2014 Apr 24;57(8):3235-46.



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