„The autonomous territorial unit with special legal status”
Gagauzia was created in 1995 as “a form of the Gagauzia people’s
external self-determination”.By giving to ATU Gagauzia a special
legal regime, the Moldovan legislature demonstrated a preferential
interpretation of the concept of local autonomy. A local territorial
collectivity of the II level acquired, on the basis of ethnicity, a high
degree of autonomy compared to similar local territorial
collectivities. The following consequences of ATU Gagauzia creation
are outlined: the establishment of the privileged conditions of
development for a local territorial collectivity on the basis of ethnical
principle; fostering the collective rights for ethnic minorities; the
territorial fragmentation of the administrative territorial units; the
discrimination and marginalization of Moldovans from localities of
Gagauzia; awarding expanded powers to the Assembly of Gagauzia
comparative to the district Councils; the influence of the external
factors on the processes from Gagauzia; fostering the isolationist and
separatist tendencies. The European option of Moldova requires the
shift of emphasis to the local initiative and strengthening the regional
centers, being necessary a rethinking of the existing administrativeterritorial structure. It is clear that current territorial fragmentation
does not contribute to the local economic development and it does not
favor to the formation of the cooperative relationships between
central authorities and local ones. Therefore, the need of territorial
administrative delimitation reform is obvious. Moldova should avoid
the award of special autonomies based on the ethnic principles or under the pro-imperial pressure. The reform should be carried out in
the spirit of the principles of the European Charter of Local SelfGovernment.
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