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Опубликовано на SciPeople2019-01-25 13:09:17
ЖурналModern Journal of Language Teaching Methods
Improving The Training Of Personnel Based On The Model Of Interaction Between Educational Organizations And Centers For Assessing Qualifications
ISSN: 2251 - 6204
The importance of improving the process of training on the basis of creating a model for interaction between educational organizations and independent organizations in assessing the qualifications of employees by type of professional activity is determined by the needs of the real economy. Currently, the issue of greater or less discrepancy between the requirements of employers and the level of training of graduates of educational organizations is being actively discussed all over the world. The purpose of this study was to identify the requirements for the competencies of the future, to summarize the Russian experience in the establishment of the Qualification Assessment Centers, and to develop a model for interaction between educational organizations and the Qualification Assessment Centers. Theoretical and empirical methods, quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, methods of data aggregation, factor and structural-functional analysis, expert evaluation, classification and structuring of information, reference and statistical data, comparison method were used to analyze the existing problem. As a result of the study, competences were ranked, which are most often mentioned in the work on forecasting future competencies, and the importance of forming overprofessional, intersectoral, and personal skills is substantiated. In addition, the target audiences of the Centers for Qualification Assessment - individuals and various organizations - are described. Using the Ansoff matrix "Product / Market", an example of an assessment of the perspectives of establishment of qualification assessment centers in one of the regions of the Russian Federation is given. The subjects (organizations) are described, creating a methodological basis for the Centers for Qualification Assessment to conduct an independent assessment of the qualifications of graduates of educational organizations. The article will be useful for national and regional government bodies, educational organizations that train students, employers' associations that are involved in the organization of an independent assessment of the qualifications of personnel.