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Опубликовано 2019-00-00 Опубликовано на SciPeople2019-11-25 20:14:58 ЖурналPeriodico Tche Quimica

Detection of foci of tularemia using enzyme immunoassay for the predatory bird pellets
Andreychev A., Boyarova E., Lapshin A., Kuznetsov V. / Алексей Андрейчев
Andreychev A., Boyarova E., Lapshin A., Kuznetsov V. Detection of foci of tularemia using enzyme immunoassay for the predatory bird pellets // Periodico Tche Quimica. 2019. V. 16. № 31. P. 632–641.
Аннотация The results of identifying tularemia foci using the predatory bird pellets in the central part ot Russia using the example of the Republic of Mordovia are presented. The efficacy of tularemia detection in pellets compared with other biomaterials has been shown. The average content of the tularemia microbe antigen from the predatory bird pellets was 9.4%. The greatest number of registrations of the causative agent of tularemia in the pellets was observed in Eagle Owl (29,2%). To a lesser extent, the pathogen was detected in the Ural Owl (14 7%). The tularemia pathogen was detected more often in the bird predator pellets than in the bioma’erial from rodents. The largest share of positive samples was recorded in the riverine districts. The dynamics of identifying the causative agent of tularemia should be noted in 2015, 2017 and 2018. which are characterized by high values of the indicator.
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