Алексей Андрейчев » Публикация
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Опубликовано на SciPeople2021-02-09 15:07:57
Checklist of rodents and insectivores of the Mordovia, Russia
Andreychev A., Kuznetsov V. Checklist of rodents and insectivores of the Mordovia, Russia // ZooKeys. 2020. № 1004. P. 129–139.
A list of 40 species is presented of the rodents and insectivores collected during a 15-year period from the Republic of Mordovia. The dataset contains more than 24,000 records of rodent and insectivore species from 23 districts, including Saransk. A major part of the data set was obtained during expedition research and at the biological station. The work is based on the materials of our surveys of rodents and insectivo-rous mammals conducted in Mordovia using both trap lines and pitfall arrays using traditional methods.