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Опубликовано 2004-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Влияние липофильных соединений на транспорт TL+нонактин (RB+валиномицин) через внутреннюю мембрану митохондрий печени крысы
Е. Р. Никитина
Е.Р.Никитина 'Влияние липофильных соединений на транспорт TL+нонактин (RB+валиномицин) через внутреннюю мембрану митохондрий печени крысы' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Науки о Жизни, 2004. #2. С.58-60.
Аннотация In the present work we studied the influence of ionophores and lipophylic compounds on (86Rb) and 204Tl transport in the rat liver mitochondria. It was shown that in the absence of nonactin (specific ionophore for thallium) Tl itself did not decrease distribution coefficient (r) of Rb with valinomycin. Similarly, nonactin without Tl had no considerable effect on the level of Rb+ valinomycin accumulation. Combined action of Tl and nonactin sharply decreased the level of Rb+ valinomycin distribution coefficient. Lipophylic phosphonium cations, readily penetrating across the inner mitochondrial membrane, decreased the level of 204Tl nonactine accumulation. The rate of decrease for 204Tl distribution coefficient in mitochondria was higher in the presence of more hydrophobic cation. On the contrary, Tl+ nonactin complex caused considerable decrease of the distribution ratio of lipophylic cations. Obtained data allow to suppose that Tl+ nonactin (Rb+ valinomycin) complexes on the one hand and lipophylic cations on the other hand compete for an entry into hydrophobic region of the membrane 


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