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Опубликовано 2001-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Расщепление индустрии Сакажия
А. К. Очередной
А.К.Очередной 'Расщепление индустрии Сакажия' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2001. #1. С.8-21.
Аннотация This paper is a part of work for researching of technologies of Caucasus Upper Paleolithic stone industries. An assemblage of Sakajia cave industry is one of the typical examples of the knapping whole sequences. It's different stages, as we thought; demonstrate the continuous «channe-operatoir» including different kinds of technologically meaningful products. First of all it concerns the big number of technological flakes, which connected with resharpening of the flaking surface: elimination of the traces of the unsuccessful removals, and unsuccessful resharpening of the flaking surface; defects of material elimination and another kinds of these removals. It's a context for the demonstrate of the main dependences in the core types changes processes any kinds of which we can observe in the Sakajia cave industry. Three types of the tools flakes resharpening distinguishes additionally 


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