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Опубликовано 2001-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Святейший Синод и Временное правительство: февраль–апрель 1917 года
А. В. Соколов
А.В.Соколов 'Святейший Синод и Временное правительство: февраль–апрель 1917 года' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2001. #5. С.32-41.
Аннотация The article reveals the problem of relationships of Synod, summoned by the ordinance of Nicolas II in 1916, and the “revolutionary” Provisional Government. This theme has never been a subject of any specific historical research. Beginning in 1920-th, there was only a series of established estimate-stereotypes in historiography, which moved from one edition to another (for example, the character of “revolutionary ober-prokuror V.Lvov” was determined as inconsistent, psychologically uneven person). Such historical myths only encumbered any serious research. The originality of the article also consists in using of wide basis of sources (first of all of the archives of St. Petersburg and Moscow). Many documents are used for the first time 


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