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Опубликовано 2002-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Русские военнопленные в годы Крымской войны
Б. П. Миловидов
Б.П.Миловидов 'Русские военнопленные в годы Крымской войны' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2002. #5. С.28-36.
Аннотация The article is devoted to the position of the Russian prisoners of war during the Crimean War (1853-1856). It is based on the documents of the Russian State Navy archives, the Russian State Military History archives and on the different memoirs of the prisoners of war. The article describes the quantities and location of the prisoners of war, the conditions of their living and attitude of the local population in Britain, France and Turkey to the Russian prisoners of war 


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