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Опубликовано 2002-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Воспитание русских войск в царствование Александра I. Попытки “гуманизации”
А. Ю. Коваленко
А.Ю.Коваленко 'Воспитание русских войск в царствование Александра I.<BR> Попытки "гуманизации"' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2002. #5. С.37-43.
Аннотация The article is a part of doctor's research devoted military reforms in Russia in the first quarter of the XIX c. In Alexander I' reign the significant changes which have touched system of military management and direct of Russian army were carried out. Aspiration to create powerful efficient army forced the Alexander I' government and higher commanders of the army differently to look at a situation of the simple soldier. The attempts are undertaken to enter new methods into system of training and education of the basic personal structure of the army, based on the more humane reference with the soldier, respect of a rank of the military person as defence counsel of Fatherland, formation of the regiments traditions etc. A large role in it was called to play military clergy. The change of a moral climate in the armed forces of the country was called to realise the pathriotical feelings of the Russian soldier to promote comprehension of national pride and increase the alertness of the army&nbsp;


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