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Опубликовано 2002-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Центральный военно-промышленный комитет после Октября 1917 года
Р. А. Кулагин
Р.А.Кулагин 'Центральный военно-промышленный комитет после Октября 1917 года' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2002. #5. С.78-86.
Аннотация The article devotes to the history of the TcVPK after the October 1917. The activity of the Committee at this period was aimed at the demobilization of the property unnecessary for the army and the navy and they managed to achieve some positive results in this direction. At the same time, after the Bolsheviks took power there was the actual problem of possibility of saving the Committee in its previous form. Members of TsVPK, mainly its leaders, was trying both to save the Committee as a public organization and to arrange the cooperation with the Soviet power. However in March 1918 the Fourth Meeting of the Committee members took place. As a result of this Meeting the Committee was put under control of the VSNKh and was renamed as Central National Industrial Committee (TsNPK). After appropriation the property of the Committee by local SNKh and Soviets the Committee was abolished in December 1918 


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