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Опубликовано 2004-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Крымская война и позиция лидера британских радикалов Джона Брайта
М. В. Тихонова
М.В.Тихонова 'Крымская война и позиция лидера британских радикалов Джона Брайта' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2004. #1. С.68-74.
Аннотация The Clause is devoted to research of a position and activity of the leader English radicalism of the Victorian epoch John Bright and headed by him of the Manchester party during the Crimean war. Bright, expressing economic (free trade) and political (democratization of parliamentary system) the interests industrial bourgeoisie, consistently were asserted by a principle of non- interference in the Russian-Turkish conflict, actively acting against anti-Russian feelings, captured the British society in 1853-1856. The parliamentary and public activity of Bright was directed on the prompt achievement of the world with Russia and termination of useless and expensive war. The position of Bright and the Manchester party has rendered the certain influence on the policy of the British government which has begun in 1855 negotiation with the Russian empire, which were finished by signing of the Parisian peace treaty 


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