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Опубликовано 2005-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Повседневная жизнь военно-морского флота в период Средиземноморской экспедиции под командованием Д.Н.Сенявина (1805–1809 гг.)
К. В. Качурина-архиповская
К.В.Качурина-Архиповская 'Повседневная жизнь военно-морского флота в период Средиземноморской экспедиции под командованием Д.Н.Сенявина (1805–1809 гг.)' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2005. #1. С.35-48.
Аннотация Military and political themes were always the and often the only spheres of study. Not less important and interesting, but little most important in literature, studied is the history of everyday life and manners of Russian sailors. In the article the author examined way of life at the Russian Navy at the end of XVIII and the beginning of XIX century and its peculiarities at the squadron of vice-admiral D.N.Senyavin. Sources, first of all documents from the Russian State Archive of the Navy, and expedition participant's memories contain in researching the history of the Russian Navy valuable materials on this question 


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