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Опубликовано 2001-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Проблема сохранности железных археологических предметов
С. Г. Буршнева
С.Г.Буршнева 'Проблема сохранности железных археологических предметов' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2001. #1. С.74-79.
Аннотация One of the most complex problems of archaeological objects museum's storage the iron objects are the most problematic. Among metals that were found during archaeological excavation, iron objects more all others are subject to influence of an environment, and especially intensively they begin to collapse just after extraction from the ground. During corrosion process iron objects passe some stages, from oxidation of a surface of metal up to complete mineralization. Depending on at what stage they have been taken from ground, the appropriate method of treatment and conservation will be applied. One of the most complicated variants of an object condition is when only partial mineralization of metal has taken place, and the activation of corrosion processes begins to break off an object from inside. In such a situation it is impossible to consider any modern way of stabilization quite satisfactory. Creation of special kind of a storage of such objects, as a rule is too difficult. The steadfast interest to the condition problems of archaeological iron objects has arisen rather recently. The collected information still allows to make only most general conclusions. The further development of corrosion science in the application to archaeological objects will help to allocate more precisely specialties of development of corrosion processes, and will promote the best definition of restoration tasks by way of development new methods and improvement of old ones of metal conservation 


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