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Опубликовано 2000-00-00 ОрганизацияCondensed Matter Physics Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, WITS 2050, Johannesburg Division of Manufacturing and Materials Technology, CSIR, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa ЖурналЖурнал "Физика Твердого Тела"

Grain size, stress and creep in polycrystalline solids
Nabarro F.R.N.
Nabarro F.R.N. Grain size, stress and creep in polycrystalline solids // ФТТ, 2000, том 42, выпуск 8, Стр. 1417
Аннотация If a stress sigma is applied to a polycrystal of grain size L, the mode of creep deformation depends on the answers to the following questions: (I) does sigma exceed the Peierls stress sigmap; (II) does L exceed the dislocation spacing in a Taylor lattice stabilized by sigmap; (III) does Lsigma exceed the value required for a Frank--Read or Bardeen--Herring source to operate within the grain; (IV) does L1/2sigma exceed the Hall--Petch value required for slip to propagate across a grain boundary? The (L,sigma) plane is thus partitioned into regions in which different modes of creep predominate.
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