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Опубликовано 2000-00-00 ОрганизацияWihuri Physical Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, Finland * Solid State Physics Division, A.F. Ioffe Institute, 194021 Saint Petersburg, Russia ЖурналЖурнал "Физика Твердого Тела"

Photomagnetism of metals. First observation of dependence on polarization of light
Gurevich V.L., Laiho R.
Gurevich V.L., Laiho R. Photomagnetism of metals. First observation of dependence on polarization of light // ФТТ, 2000, том 42, выпуск 10, Стр. 1762
Аннотация We report first observation of the polarization dependence of the d. c. photocurrent induced by illumination in Cu. The dependence of d. c. photocurrent on the direction of the plane of light polarization is measured. In agreement with the theoretical considerations, the current parallel to the plane of light incidence is a symmetric function of the angle between this plane and the plane of light polarization. The angular-dependent part of the current perpendicular to the plane of light incidence is an antisymmetric function of the angle. One of the authors (V.L.G.) is pleased to acknowledge Turku University for the hospitality extended to him while the work on this paper was done. He is grateful to Wihuri Foundation for financial support. He also wishes to acknowledge support for the work by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant N 97-02-18286-a).
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