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Опубликовано 2004-00-00 Организация* North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7907, USA ** International Technology Center, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA ЖурналЖурнал "Физика Твердого Тела"

Electron emission properties of detonation nanodiamonds
Zhirnov V.V., Shenderova O.A., Jaeger D.L., Tyler T., Areshkin D.A., Brenner D.W., Hren J.J.
Zhirnov V.V., Shenderova O.A., Jaeger D.L., Tyler T., Areshkin D.A., Brenner D.W., Hren J.J. Electron emission properties of detonation nanodiamonds // ФТТ, 2004, том 46, выпуск 4, Стр. 641
Аннотация This paper summarizes results of systematic studies of field electron emission from detonation nanodiamond coatings corresponding to nanodiamond powders of different modifications. The role of chemical composition of the surface of detonation nanodiamond particles in field emission mechanisms is discussed. Field emission related electronic properties of single diamond nanodots are studied using tight-binding calculations and continuum electrostatic simulations. D.W.B., O.A.S. and D.A.A. acknowledge funding by the Office of Naval Research (Contract N 00014-95-1-0279), O.A.S. and D.L.J. --- the Office of Naval Research (Contract N 00014-02-1-0711).


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