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Опубликовано 2003-03-13 ЖурналНефтегазовое дело

Investigation and development of sorption type skimmers
Khlestkin R., Samoilov N.
Аннотация On the basis of formulate conception of the optimal absorbent is tested the sorption properties more 30 potential ones. There are properties of cotton manufacture residuals, named as "SINTAPEX", which possess with sufficiently high sorption ability for the numerous products. There are patented three type of basis construction for these skimmers and five their modifications. It is examined and studied some variations of skimmer sorption type and work out stochastic mathematical model in form system of 10 regression equations on the base method of planning of experiments by four main parameters which describes oil-gathering. There are permit producing in the company North-West Trunk Pipelines the experimental batch of the skimmers. Исследованы свойства отхода хлопкоперерабатывающей промышленности, получившего название "СИНТАПЭКС", с высокой поглотительной способностью по нефтепродуктам. Разработана стохастическая математическая модель нефтесбора на основе системы из 10 регрессионных уравнений. В ОАО СЗМН изготовлена экспериментальная промышленная серия нефтесборщиков. (статья на английском языке)


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