Рахимян Галиев » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2009-01-29 На SciPeople2009-01-29 ЖурналConception of dynamic structure of atom in the space of potential spheres

Conception of dynamic structure of atom in the space of potential spheres

Rakhimyan S. Galiev / Рахимян Галиев


The study was undertaken to identify the nature of undulation and mechanisms of interaction of the charged quantum particles with curl-free fields. It has resulted in development of a corpuscular-and-dynamic structural model of electron shell and atomic nucleus. Proposed is the solution of Schrodinger equations for describing the state of electrons and protons in a multicharge atom on the basis of spherical geometry of polarized space and integrated system of coordinates. The principles of structural organization of quantum particles and manifestation of their displays are considered in every detail. The monograph is intended for scientists, researchers and engineering technicians working in the area of atomic and nuclear physics, chemistry, spectrometry, microelectronics, wireless communications, nanotechnologies etc. as well as for lecturers, post-graduates, students, high schoolers and all those, who are concerned with the structure of atom and macrocosm. Tables: 8. Figures: 46. References: 14 titles. Veb site: http://sites.google.com/site/atomgal/


Подписано в печать 31.07.2008. Формат 60х84 1/16 Бумага офсетная Гарнитура Таймс . Печать цифровая Усл.печ.л. 16,0 Уч.изд.л. 16,1 Тираж 150 экз. Заказ № 609 ИООО «Право и экономика» Лицензия ЛИ № 02330/0056831 от 01.04.2004. 220072 Минск Сурганова 1, корп. 2. Тел. 284 18 66, 8 029 684 18 66. Отпечатано на настольно-издательской системе XEROX в ИООО «Право и экономика»


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