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Опубликовано 3 фев 2009 На SciPeople 1 мар 2009 Журнал Biometals

Effect of lactoferrin on oxidative features of ceruloplasmin.

Sokolov AV, Ageeva KV, Pulina MO, Zakharova ET, Vasilyev VB. / Алексей Соколов
3 фев 2009


In our previous report we first described a complex between lactoferrin (Lf) and ceruloplasmin (Cp) with K (d) ~ 1.8 muM. The presence of this complex in colostrum that never contains more than 0.3 muM Cp questions the reliability of K (d) value. We carefully studied Lf binding to Cp and investigated the enzymatic activity of the latter in the presence of Lf, which allowed obtaining a new value for K (d) of Cp-Lf complex. Lf interacting with Cp changes its oxidizing activity with various substrates, such as Fe(2+), o-dianisidine (o-DA), p-phenylenediamine (p-PD) and dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). The presence of at least two binding sites for Lf in Cp molecule is deduced from comparison of substrates' oxidation kinetics with and without Lf. When Lf binds to the first site affinity of Cp to Fe(2+) and to o-DA increases, but it decreases towards DOPA and remains unchanged towards p-PD. Oxidation rate of Fe(2+) grows, while that of o-DA, p-PD and DOPA goes down. Subsequent Lf binding to the second center has no effect on iron oxidation, hampers DOPA and o-DA oxidation, and reduces affinity towards p-PD. Scatchard plot for Lf sorbing to Cp-Sepharose allowed estimating K (d) for Lf binding to high-affinity (~13.4 nM) and low-affinity (~211 nM) sites. The observed effect of Lf on ferroxidase activity of Cp is likely to have physiological implications.


Sokolov AV, Ageeva KV, Pulina MO, Zakharova ET, Vasilyev VB. (2009) Effect of lactoferrin on oxidative features of ceruloplasmin.// Biometals, V. 22, P. 521-529.


http://www.springerlink.com/content/en51572l77143618/ pdf  

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