Владимир Волков » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2008-05-13 Опубликовано на SciPeople2009-05-12 10:40:10 ЖурналPNAS

Different assemblies of the DAM1 complex follow shortening microtubules by distinct mechanisms.
Grishchuk EL, Spiridonov IS, Volkov VA, Efremov A, Westermann S, Drubin D, Barnes G, Ataullakhanov FI, McIntosh JR. / Владимир Волков
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008;105(19):6918-23.
Аннотация Mitotic chromosomes segregate at the ends of shortening spindle microtubules (MTs). In budding yeast, the Dam1 multiprotein complex supports this dynamic attachment, thereby contributing to accurate chromosome segregation. Purified Dam1 will track the end of a depolymerizing MT and can couple it to microbead transport in vitro. The processivity of such motions has been thought to depend on rings that the Dam1 complex can form around MTs, but the possibility that alternative coupling geometries contribute to these motilities has not been considered. Here, we demonstrate that both rings and nonencircling Dam1 oligomers can track MT ends and enable processive cargo movement in vitro. The coupling properties of these two assemblies are, however, quite different, so each may make a distinct contribution to chromosome motility.
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