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Опубликовано 2006-01-15 На SciPeople2009-08-02 ЖурналAnimal Genetics. 2006. V. 37. P. 253-257.

Gene expression profiling of hereditary exencephaly in chicken

Jaszczak K., Sazanov A.A., Sacharczuk M., Korczak M., Sazanova A.L., Parada R., Malewski T. / Алексей Сазанов


In this preliminary study, differentially expressed genes were investigated in cranial tissues from chickens with hereditary exencephaly using cDNA microarrays containing 1152 genes and expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Genes showing twofold or greater differences at P < 0.05 between affected and normal cranial cells were considered to be candidates for hereditary exencephaly in chicken. Eighteen ESTs (11 known genes/homologues) were upregulated and 108 ESTs (51 known genes/homologues) were downregulated. The EST AL584231 (ROS006C9), orthologous to human MTHFD1, a known candidate gene for human neural tube defects (NTDs), was expressed at the same level both in normal and affected chicken cranial tissues. ESTs AL584253 (ROS006F7, thioredoxin reductase 1) and AL585511 (ROS024H9, thioredoxin), both involved in NTD pathogenic pathways in mice, were downregulated and had mean ratios of 0.41 and 0.04 for expression in affected vs. normal cells respectively. Expression differences of these two ESTs were confirmed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. These data indicate that ESTs AL584253 and AL585511 are candidates for hereditary exencephaly in chickens.


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