Никита Зеленков » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2008-11-10 Опубликовано на SciPeople2009-11-10 17:46:27 ЖурналКазарка

Четвертичные гусеобразные Дюктайской Пещеры (Юго-Восточная Якутия)
Н.В. Зеленков / Никита Зеленков
Казарка. 2008. Т. 11. Вып. 1. С. 13-21.
Аннотация Djuktai cave is a Paleolithic site located in the south-eastern part of Yakutia. Bird remains originate from the late Pleistocene (12 000–14 000 BP) and late Holocene (about 740 BP) deposits. Anseriform birds are represented by 13 species: Anser sp. nov., Anas platyrhynchos, A. crecca, A. formosa, A. penelope, A. acuta, A. querquedula, A. clypeata, Aythya fuligula, Melanitta deglandi, Clangula hyemalis, Mergus serrator, Mergellus sp. nov. The remains of Anseriforms constitute 20 % of all found bones. A. acuta, A. querquedula, A. clypeata are not found in the late Pleistocene layers, and the stratigraphic location of the layer with the remains of Melanitta deglandi is unknown. The remains of A. formosa are the most abundant (20 bones from at least 8 individuals), they originate mainly from the Pleistocene layers. Nine bones of this species belong to subadult birds. A. crecca and A. fuligula bones (15 specimens from at least 3 individuals each) are also numerous, but the remains of the former originate primarily from the Holocene layers, whereas the latter was found both in the Holocene and Pleistocene sediments. Three bones of A. fuligula belong to subadult individuals. The bones of Anseriforms from Djuktai cave are similar to those of their recent counterparts. An exception is a coracoid of A. crecca, which is thinner than that of recent specimens examined (n = 3). The presence of A. strepera and A. anser assumed by preliminary identifi cations (Mochanov, 1970) is not confi rmed. A. falcata is not only lacking in sediments of Djuktai cave, but also absent in all other sites of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. This fact allows us to suppose the recent colonization of the region by this species. It seems like at least some bones should be accumulated as a result of Early Human activity, since the cut-marks on some of the bones of A. fuligula and Anser sp. nov. are visible. Two new fossil species of Anseriforms were found. A new species of Goose is represented by the series of bones of the wing and pectoral girdle. The new species is larger than A. anser. It is morphologically close to both A. anser and A. fabalis. A new species of Smew is smaller than M. albellus and differs from it by a few morphological details.
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