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Опубликовано 2008-03-01 На SciPeople2010-01-08 ЖурналSaratov Journal of Medical Scientific Reserach

The Dynamics of 0,1 Hz-Component of Heart Rate Variability at Patients With Arterial Hypertension at Treatment by Fosinopril and Atenolol

O.V. Shevchenko, A.R. Kiselev, V.I. Gridnev, O.M. Posnenkova, A.N. Strunina, A.A. Svistunov / Антон Киселев


Aim: to study dynamics of the 0,1Hz-componentofthe heart rate variability(HRV) spectrum in patients with arterial hypertension taking fosinopril and atenolol. 49 patients with hypertension were enrolled (age - 46+/-7 years). Fosinopril and atenolol were administered consequently. The power of 0,1 Hz-component of the HRV spectrum was assessed during a passive orthostatic test. Results: In patients taking fosinopril and atenolol comparable decrease of blood pressure was observed. Atenolol caused reliable decrease of a heart rate during orthostatic test. The power dynamics of 0,1Hz-componentwas comparable in patients taking fosinopril and atenolol. Conclusion: fosinopril and atenolol influenced similar on 0,1-Hz mechanisms of vegetative heart control system.


Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Reserach, 2008, Vol. 4, Iss. 1, P. 84-87


pdf http://www.ssmj.ru/en/2008/1/084

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