The key blogs that open door to valuable info available ONLINE: ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT:;
A New unified THEORY OF THE ECOLOGICAL MECHANISMS TO IMPROVE water quality and to make water clear: a basis for water purification and waste water treatment:
A challenge in ecology is the multitude of factors that influence all ecological processes. It is difficult to find a balance when we analyze them. A new theory was created that unified and balanced many physical, chemical and biological factors that work together toward improving water quality. Key Issues: Earth Science, water purification, waste water treatment, modern ecological theory, water quality, self-purification, aquatic ecosystems, freshwater, marine, pollution control. See at:
Contribution to the SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR WATER PURIFICATION AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT: an insight into the ecological mechanisms to improve water quality and to make water clear. A challenge in ecology is the multitude of factors that influence all ecological processes. It is difficult to find a balance when we analyze them. An answer was given to the problem of how to balance many physical, chemical and biological factors toward improving water quality.
Issues considered or involved: water supply, sustainability, preventing pollution, pollution control, Earth science, life science, water purification, waste water treatment, modern ecological theory, water quality, self-purification, aquatic ecosystems, freshwater, marine, water objects; See at:
Does IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW depend on new improvement of ecological terms? Fundamental solutions suggested: To implement environmental law, it is necessary to have adequate, clear and precise interpretation (definitions) of the basic ecological terms, including the definition of ecosystem. The standard definition is vague. A new definition was published. See at:
New plant species as a POTENT TOOL TO CLEAN WATER AND TO REMOVE HEAVY METALS: This is the first time the phytoremediation potential of a new wide-spread species of plants was discovered. The plant removed the toxic metals cadmium, lead, copper, zinc (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) from water with great efficiency. As a result, water quality improved dramatically with prospect of new technology. See at:
The Threat of Shampoo, Detergents, Foams to the Biosphere: This paper indicated that components of SHAMPOO POSE A DRAMATIC DANGER AND HAZARD to intimate ecosystem services that are a keystone for the security and stability of the biosphere. Foam from shampoo was found to be of much more environmental hazard than previously thought.
A New Concept For Ecosystems: Major functions of ecosystem are traditionally being described in a dogmatic, stagnant, and antiquated way. A paper was published with a NEW CONCEPTUAL ADDITION to key functions of aquatic ecosystem: the latter is seen as a kind of a grand autonomous bioreactor governed by a diverse genetic pool. See at:
Stopping Pollution: Eutrophication and Algal Blooms: A new approach to PREVENT POLLUTION, EUTROPHICATION, AND ALGAL BLOOMS was identified and analyzed in this paper . The approach is based on efficient use of the natural mechanisms of self-regulation of ecosystem. See at:
Underwater Secrets of Global Change: What is the global change? Usually it is seen as something that is relevant to the atmosphere and weather. It is true that air is involved, but not only the air alone; what happens in water is less visible. This paper unveils this HIDDEN SIDE OF ECOSYSTEMS, and discusses both hopes and hazards. See at:
Vulnerability of Major Plankton Groups: Rotifers: Welfare of the biosphere depends on filter-feeders that contribute to making water clean. Important new facts on the NEW TYPE OF HAZARD OF MAN-MADE DAMAGE TO THE BENEFICIAL FUNCTION of rotifers, which are plankton filter-feeders, were discovered. See at:
Three New Key Hazards to the Functioning of the Biosphere: A paper in which the author discovered MAN-MADE HAZARDS TO 3 ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONING of the biosphere and ecosystems: (1) formation of water quality; (2) bio-geochemical flows of C, N, P and other constituents of biomass; (3) formation of deposits of organic matter as bottom sediments. See at:
Biodiversity and stability of ecosystems: The role of biodiversity in benefiting stability of ecosystems is a matter of a hot dispute. The matter of STABILITY OF ECOSYSTEMS is very important as it is a part of stability of the biosphere at the time of hazards of global change. Not much is known on whether biodiversity is instrumental for increasing stability of AQUATIC ecosystems. A research project was done that is filling the gap in knowledge on this controversial issue.
A paper was published that provides a fresh analysis and new vision of how biodiversity helps towards better stability of aquatic habitats, i.e. water quality. To my mind, the paper mentioned below is a contribution to better understanding of the positive role of biodiversity in increasing stability of aquatic habitats and by doing so, to increasing the stability of aquatic ecosystem as a whole. I will be happy to know the opinion of other members of the network.
Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems.- Doklady Biological Sciences. Volume 382, Numbers 1-6, p.18-21.; ISSN0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online). DOI 10.1023/A:1014465220673].
Key Issues: Ecology, ecosystems, stability, habitats, role of biodiverstity, water quality, aquatic;
Inhibitory Analysis: A NEW METHOD FOR ANALYZING INTERACTIONS BETWEEN ORGANISMS in ecosystems: The author proposed a new approach to analyze a key ecological issue: the interactions between organisms in ecosystems. The new methodology proposed is inhibitory analysis. The author applied this approach to analyze trophic chains: the top–down control of plankton by benthic filter-feeders. See at:
New threat to water quality: discovery of the NEW IMPORTANT TYPE OF HAZARDS from pollution: Synecological summation of effects on different trophic levels: The common vision is that the main eco-hazard is effects on organisms that are the final target. This is an incorrect view. The paper discovers hazards from summation of mild effects on adjacent trophic levels. Example of effects of pollutants on filter-feeders, algae and water quality is given. See at:
The system of criteria for evaluation of eco-hazards of chemicals in W. Europe and N. America is outdated and does not guarantee environmental safety. The author gave a conceptual framework for an ecologically more sound system of criteria, with an example of its application to a real situation. See at:
The Concept of Aquatic BIOTA AS A LABILE AND VULNERABLE COMPONENT OF THE WATER SELF-PURIFICATION System: The author formulated a new basic concept of the complex of organisms of aquatic ecosystem. According to the concept, the biota is a central, labile and vulnerable (to pollutants) part of the ecological mechanism of water self-purification and upgrade of water quality. See at:
Innovative concept of ECOSYSTEM AS A MULTIFUNCTIONAL BIOREACTOR, one of its functions is upgrading water quality: ecosystem service: An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. The author developed an innovative concept of ecosystem as a multifunctional bioreactor, one of its functions is upgrading water quality. See at:
A NEW TYPE OF EFFECT OF POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS substances: A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial–benthal coupling. Discovery of a new type of negative impact of pollutants on the biosphere, as the outcome of inhibition of water filtration by filter-feeder. See at:
KEY ISSUES considered or mentioned in the series of publications of the same author: self-purification, water quality, water bodies, reservoirs, streams, contaminants, pollutants, ecotoxicology, freshwater, marine, environmental safety, environmental security, sources of water, xenobiotics, polyfunctional role of biota, water, ecosystem functioning, hydrosphere, community, sustainable use, resources, environmental management, human impact, potential for water purification, ecosystem’s services, biological theory, application, reliability, external influences; anthropogenic, man-made effects, environmental practices, the new experimental results, cadmium, mollusks, eutrophication, a new concept, a two-level synergies, environmental chemoregulators, environmental chemomediators, hazards, damage to biota, economic evaluation, damage by the anthropogenic impact, water protection regime, special protected areas, microorganisms, aquatic, macro-organisms, plants, invertebrates, an analog of the bioreactor with the function of purifying water, nutrients, control of phytoplankton, consumers, trophic level, intraspecific interactions of organisms, pheromones, regulators, interspecific interactions, V.I. Vernadsky, biosphere, matter, the regulation, geochemical processes, transfer of matter, biogenic migration of chemical elements, increased mortality, the incidence of pathologies, uncoupling of plankton-benthic coupling, lethal, sublethal effects, populations of fish, conservation of gene pool, preservation of the ecological role of protected populations, biogeocenotic function, sulfate, cadmium, mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, copper sulphate, M. galloprovincialis, lead nitrate, potassium dichromate, TDTMA, M. edulis × M. galloprovincialis, a natural hybrid population; Crassostrea gigas, SDS, Triton X-100, Unio tumidus, detergent Tide, IXI, Fairy, the impact on the efficiency of removal of particulate matter, synthetic, laundry detergent, soap powder detergent, liquid detergent, sodium dodecyl sulphate, community, surface-active substances, surfactants, tensides, surfactant-containing mixtures, inhibition of water filtration, oysters, cationic, tetradecyltrimethylammonium, TDTMA, anionic, sodium dodecyl sulphate, nonionic, rotifers, Brachionus calyciflorus, turbidostat, filter-feeders, suspension feeders, bivalves, undigested organic matter, bottom, sediments, trophic, activity, Lymnaea stagnalis, phytoplankton, macrophytes; microzooplankton; zooplankton, predatory, zoobenthos, fish, marine mammals, birds, the export of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, dissolved substances, suspended particles, sedimentation, bottom sediments, lakes, bays, sorption of pollutants, seston, detritus, aquatic organisms, organic matter, sediment, organic material film, the surface of the reservoir, hydrolysis, photochemical, transformation, photolysis, sensitization, biotic organic origin, redox, catalytic, free radicals, ligands of biological origin, the toxicity of pollutants, binding, soluble, dissolved organic matter, chemical oxidation, oxygen, photosynthesis, biotic, biotransformation, redox reactions, destruction, conjugation, respiration, extracellular enzymatic transformation, what is the rate of filtration of water by natural populations of Unionidae, Dreissenidae?; sorption of pollutants by pellets excreted by hydrobionts, preventing, slowing output of nutrients and pollutants from the sediments into the water, accumulation, the binding of nutrients and pollutants, benthic, how much carbon is removed from the lake ecosystem by imago of aquatic insects?; removal of P, N, P from the ecosystem, food, piscivorous birds, metamorphosis of amphibians, the sorption of pollutants, soil, watering the land by contaminated water, regulation, size, ecological chemoregulators, chemomediators, allochthonous, what are the quantitative estimates of the filtration activity of groups of aquatic organisms (ascidians, barnacles, bryozoans, echinoderms, bivalves, gastropods, polychaetes, sponges, nanoflagellates, ciliate, Crustacea)?; what are the quantitative estimates of the reduction of the filtration activity of mollusks under the effect of detergents, surfactants, detergents?; volatile fatty acids; constructed wetlands, phytoremediation, bioremediation, microcosm, pellets, feces, pseudofeces, quantitative parameters, bacterioplankton, eukaryotic, the stability of ecosystems, self-regulation, trophic, communications within ecosystem, transport of material, energy transfer, biocenosis, biotope, V.N. Sukachev, larvae, Black Sea, S.A. Ostroumov; priorities; key issues; contemporary issues of ecology, environmental science, biogeochemistry, preventing global change; zoobenthos; theoretical biology;
биологический механизм, самоочищение, качество воды, водоемы, водотоки, загрязняющие вещества, ЗВ, экотоксикология, водный объект, пресноводные, морские, экологическая безопасность, источники водоснабжения, поллютанты, ксенобиотики, полифункциональная роль биоты, водные, экосистема, функционирование, гидросфера, сообщества, устойчивое использование, ресурсы, рациональное природопользование, антропогенное воздействие, полезные функции экосистем, сервисные функции, самоочистительный потенциал, биотестирование, теория, приложения, обобщающие положения, элементы теории, источники энергии механизмов самоочищения, структурно-функциональные блоки, система процессов, таксоны; надежность системы самоочищения, внешние воздействия; антропогенные, природоохранная практика, новые экспериментальные результаты, кадмий, моллюски, эвтрофирование, новая концепция, двухуровневый синергизм, экологические хеморегуляторы, экологические хемомедиаторы, понятие, биокосный, опасность, ущерб биоте, экономическая оценка ущерба при антропогенном воздействии, природохранный режим, специальные охраняемые территории, акватории, микроорганизмы, комплекс гидробионтов, макроорганизмы, растения, беспозвоночные, аналог биореактора с функцией очищения воды, биогены, контроль над фитопланктоном, консументы, трофический уровень, взаимодействующие трофические уровни, внутривидовые взаимодействия организмов, феромоны, регуляторы, межвидовые взаимодействия, В.И.Вернадский, биосфера, биогенная миграция элементов, биокосная, материя, биокосное природное тело, почва, природная, вода, регуляция геохимических процессов, биокосная регуляция перемещений вещества, повышение смертности, частота патологий, разобщение планктонно-бентического сопряжения, летальные, сублетальные воздействия, популяции промысловых рыб, сохранение генофонда, сохранение экологической роли популяций, биогеоценотические функции, сульфат кадмия, мидии, Mytilus galloprovincialis, сульфат меди, M. galloprovincialis, нитрат свинца, бихромат калия, M. edulis × M. galloprovincialis, природная гибридная популяция; Crassostrea gigas, ДСН, Тритон Х-100, перловицы, Unio tumidus, СМС ОМО, СМС Tide, СМС Лоск, СМС IXI, ЖМС Е, ЖМС Fairy, воздействие на эффективность изъятия взвеси, ВЭИ, синтетическое моющее средство; стиральный порошок, детергент, жидкое моющее средство; додецилсульфат натрия, метаногенное, сообщество, гидролитики, биополимеры, олигомеры, диссипотрофы, ЛЖК, синтрофы, водород, ацетат, гомоацетатные бактерии, гидротрофные метаногены, образование метана, ацетокластические метаногены, сульфидогенное, молочнокислые бактерии, лактат, сульфидогены, сероводород, гидрогенотрофные сульфидогены, ацетотрофные сульфидогены, гидротрофные метаногены, аноксигенное фототрофное, окислительный аноксический фототрофный фильтр, несерные фототрофные, бактерии, серные фототрофные, сульфат, окислительный аэробный фильтр (газотрофы), водородные, метанотрофы, органотрофные, тионовые, соединения серы, тиосульфат, серобактерии, поверхностно-активные вещества, ПАВ, ПАВ-содержащие смесевые препараты, ингибирование фильтрации воды, устрицы, катионный, тетрадецилтриметиламмоний бромид, ТДТМА, анионный, додецилсульфат натрия, неионогенный, коловратки, Brachionus calyciflorus, турбидостат, фильтраторы, двустворчатые, легочные, моллюски, неусвоенный органический материал, донные, осадки, трофическая, активность, Limnaea stagnalis, Lymnaea, фитопланктон, макрофиты; микрозоопланктон; мирный зоопланктон; хищный; зообентос; рыбы; морские млекопитающие, птицы, экспорт углерода, азот, фосфор, растворенные вещества, взвешенные частицы, ВОВ, седиментация, донные отложения, озера, заливы, сорбция ЗВ, сестон, детрит, гидробионты, органические вещества, осадки, седименты, пленка органических веществ, поверхность водоема, гидролиз, фотохимические, превращения, фотолиз, сенсибилизация, органическими биотического происхождения, редокс-каталитические, свободные радикалы, лиганды, биологического происхождения, токсичность ЗВ, связывание, растворенные, РОВ, химическое окисление, кислород, фотосинтез, биотические, биотрансформация, редокс-реакции, разрушение, конъюгация, сколько окисляется углерода в озерах в год в г С на 1 м2 зеркала поверхности озера?; дыхание, зоопланктон, внеклеточная ферментативная трансформация; какова скорость фильтрации воды природными популяциями Unionidae, Dreissenidae?; каков объем профильтрованной воды одним животным за сутки для кладоцер и копепод?; сорбция ЗВ пеллетами, экскретируемыми гидробионтами, предотвращение, замедление выхода биогенов и ЗВ из донных осадков в воду, аккумуляция, связывание биогенов и ЗВ, бентосные, сколько углерода выносится из экосистемы озера при вылете имаго водных насекомых?; вынос С, N, P из экосистемы, питание, рыбоядные птицы, выход на сушу, метаморфоз земноводных, сорбция ЗВ, почва, полив земель загрязненными водами, регуляция численности, экологические хеморегуляторы, хемомедиаторы, отношение Шредингера, аллохтонные, какова суммарная биомасса бактерий в эпипелагиали акватории Мирового океана ?; сколько углерода приходится на 1 квадратный метр океана?; какова доля бактерий в общей гетеротрофной деструкции в океане? каковы количественные глобальные оценки гетеротрофной бактериальной деструкции в эпипелагиали океана?; коэффициент эффективности использованной ассимилированной пищи на рост, каковы количественные оценки суммарной биомассы простейших и метазоопланктона в эпипелагиали?; каковы количественные оценки фильтрационной активности групп гидробионтов (асцидии, усоногие раки, мшанки, иглокожие, двустворчатые моллюски, гастроподы, полихеты, губки, нанофлагеллаты, цилиаты, ракообразные)?; каковы количественные оценки снижения фильтрационной активности моллюсков под воздействием детергентов, ПАВ, моющих средств?; летучие жирные кислоты; биоплато, ботанические площадки, биопруды, фиторемедиация, биоремедиация, микрокосм, аналог биореактора, сколько растворенного аллохтонного органического углерода поступает в расчете на 1 м2 озера?; сколько по весу листьев и древесного опада поступает ежегодно в озера?; пеллеты, фекалии, псевдофекалии, тонкие фильтраторы-нанофаги, количественные, параметры, бактериопланктон, эукариотные, протисты, дипломонады, кинетопластиды, эвглены, амебофлагелляты, динофлагелляты, инфузории, разножгутиковые, криптомонады, хоанофлагелляты, хитридиомицеты, стабильность экосистем, саморегуляция, S.A. Forbes; F.A. Forel, трофические, связи, перенос вещества, перенос энергии, биоценоз, биотоп, В.Н. Сукачев, Г.А. Заварзин, аппендикулярии Appendicularia, долиолиды Doliolidae, мелкие каляноиды Calanoida, меропланктон, личинки, грубые фильтраторы-эврифаги, ойтоны Oithona, онцеи Oncaea, крупные каляниды, эвфузииды Euphausiacea, удаление углерода (С), из воды эвтрофного оз. Эсром, Lake Esrom, Дания, оз. Миррор Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, озеро Мястро в Белоруссии, оз. Цаган-Нор, Забайкалье, оз. Любевое в Ленинградской области, Горьковское водохранилище, оз. Зун-Торей, оз. Лоренс, Lawrence Lake, Мичиган, Mirror Lake, США, Охотское, Черное море, С.А. Остроумов,
biological mechanism, self-purification, water quality, water bodies, reservoirs, streams, contaminants, pollutants, ecotoxicology, freshwater, marine, environmental safety, environmental security, sources of water, xenobiotics, polyfunctional role of biota, water, ecosystem functioning, hydrosphere, community, sustainable use, resources, environmental management, human impact, potential for water purification, ecosystem’s services, biological theory, application, reliability, external influences; anthropogenic, man-made effects, environmental practices, the new experimental results, cadmium, mollusks, eutrophication, a new concept, a two-level synergies, environmental chemoregulators, environmental chemomediators, biokosny, hazards, damage to biota, economic evaluation of damage caused by the anthropogenic impact, water protection regime, special protected areas, microorganisms, aquatic, macro-organisms, plants, invertebrates, an analog of the bioreactor with the function of purifying water, nutrients, control of phytoplankton, consumers, trophic level, intraspecific interactions of organisms, pheromones, regulators, interspecific interactions, V.I. Vernadsky, biosphere, biokosnaya, matter, biokosnoe natural body, soil, natural water, the regulation of geochemical processes, regulation of transfer of substances, biogenic migration of chemical elements, increased mortality, the incidence of pathologies, uncoupling of plankton-benthic coupling, lethal, sublethal effects, populations of fish, conservation of gene pool, preservation of the ecological role of protected populations, biogeocenotic function, sulfate, cadmium, mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, copper sulphate, M. galloprovincialis, lead nitrate, potassium dichromate, TDTMA, M. edulis × M. galloprovincialis, a natural hybrid population; Crassostrea gigas, SDS, Triton X-100, Unio tumidus, detergent Tide, IXI, Fairy, the impact on the efficiency of removal of particulate matter, synthetic, laundry detergent, soap powder detergent, liquid detergent, sodium dodecyl sulphate, methanogenic, community, biopolymers, oligomers, syntrophs, hydrogen, acetate, methanogens, methane, lactic acid bacteria, lactate, sulfidogens, hydrogen sulfide, anoxic phototrophic, oxidation, anoxic phototrophic filter, nonsulfur phototrophic bacteria, phototrophic sulfur, sulfate, oxidative aerobic filter, methanotrophs, organotrophic, sulfur compounds, thiosulfate , sulfur bacteria, surface-active substances, surfactants, tensides, surfactant-containing mixtures, inhibition of water filtration, oysters, cationic, tetradecyltrimethylammonium, TDTMA, anionic, sodium dodecyl sulphate, nonionic, rotifers, Brachionus calyciflorus, turbidostat, filter-feeders, suspension feeders, bivalves, undigested organic matter, bottom, sediments, trophic, activity, Lymnaea stagnalis, phytoplankton, macrophytes; microzooplankton; zooplankton, predatory, zoobenthos, fish, marine mammals, birds, the export of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, dissolved substances, suspended particles, sedimentation, bottom sediments, lakes, bays, sorption of pollutants, seston, detritus, aquatic organisms, organic matter, sediment, organic material film, the surface of the reservoir, hydrolysis, photochemical, transformation, photolysis, sensitization, biotic organic origin, redox, catalytic, free radicals, ligands of biological origin, the toxicity of pollutants, binding, soluble, dissolved organic matter, chemical oxidation, oxygen, photosynthesis, biotic, biotransformation, redox reactions, destruction, conjugation, how much carbon is oxidized in the lakes per year per 1 m2 of the surface of the lake?; respiration, extracellular enzymatic transformation, what is the rate of filtration of water by natural populations of Unionidae, Dreissenidae?; what is the volume of water filtered by one animal per day for Cladocera and copepods?; sorption of pollutants by pellets excreted by hydrobionts, preventing, slowing output of nutrients and pollutants from the sediments into the water, accumulation, the binding of nutrients and pollutants, benthic, how much carbon is removed from the lake ecosystem by imago of aquatic insects?; removal of P, N, P from the ecosystem, food, piscivorous birds, metamorphosis of amphibians, the sorption of pollutants, soil, watering the land by contaminated water, regulation, size, ecological chemoregulators, chemomediators, the Schrodinger ratio, allochthonous, what is the total biomass of bacteria in the epipelagial of the world ocean?; how much carbon does contain 1 square meter of the ocean?; what is the quantitative role of bacteria in total heterotrophic degradation in the ocean?; what are the quantitative global estimates of heterotrophic bacterial decomposition in epipelagial of ocean?; what are the quantitative estimates of the total biomass of protozoa and metazooplankton in epipelagial?; what are the quantitative estimates of the filtration activity of groups of aquatic organisms (ascidians, barnacles, bryozoans, echinoderms, bivalves, gastropods, polychaetes, sponges, nanoflagellates, ciliate, Crustacea)?; what are the quantitative estimates of the reduction of the filtration activity of mollusks under the effect of detergents, surfactants, detergents?; volatile fatty acids; constructed wetlands, phytoremediation, bioremediation, a microcosm, how much of allochthonous dissolved organic carbon enters per 1 m2 of the lake?; how much is the biomass of leaves and tree litter that arrives annually into the lake?; pellets, feces, pseudofeces, quantitative parameters, bacterioplankton, eukaryotic, Protista, diplomonads, Kinetoplastids, Euglena, amoeboflagellates, dinoflagellates, ciliates, kriptomonads, hoanoflagellates, Chytridiomycota, the stability of ecosystems, self-regulation, S.A. Forbes; F.A. Forel, trophic, communications within ecosystem, transport of material, energy transfer, biocenosis, biotope, V.N. Sukachev, G.A. Zavarzin, Appendicularia, doliolids Doliolidae, Calanoida, meroplankton, larvae, Oithona, Oncaea, Euphausiacea, removal of carbon (C) from eutrophic Lake Esrom, Denmark, Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, Lake Miastro in Belarus, Baikal area, Lake Lubevoe in the Leningrad region, Gorky Reservoir, Lake Zun-Torey, Lawrence Lake, Michigan, Mirror Lake, the Okhotsk Sea, Black Sea, S.A. Ostroumov;
ЗВ –загрязняющее вещество;
ПАВ - поверхностно-активные вещества, ТДТМА, - тетрадецилтриметиламмонийбромид, ДСН - додецилсульфат натрия, СМС - синтетическое моющее средство; ЖМС - жидкое моющее средство; ВЭИ - воздействие на эффективность изъятия взвеси,
ЛЖК- летучие жирные кислоты;
РОВ - растворенные органические вещества,
ВОВ - взвешенные органические вещества;
Ключевые слова на русском языке: самоочищение, качество воды, водные объекты, резервуары, ручьи, поллютанты, экотоксикология, пресная вода, морской, безопасность окружающей среды, источники воды, ксенобиотики
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