Kp Singh » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2010-01-02 Опубликовано на SciPeople2010-04-02 16:36:19 ЖурналJournal of Food Engineering

Moisture-dependent properties of barnyard millet grain and kernel
K.P. Singh a,*, H.N. Mishra b, Supradip Saha a / Kp Singh
Аннотация The geometric mean diameter, sphericity, grain surface area, 1000 grain mass, true density (toluene displacement method), terminal velocity, dynamic angle of repose, coefficient of internal friction, coefficient of static friction at different surfaces (sun mica, canvas and mild steel surfaces), specific deformation and rupture energy of the grain were found to increase 12.21%, 4.79%, 30.47%, 30.75%, 6.74%, 32.99%, 127.05%, 60%, 18.57%, 34–67%, 69.2% and 88.87% respectively at increase of moisture content from 0.065 to 0.265 kg kg1 dry matter. However, true density (proximate composition method), bulk density, interstices and rupture force of grain was found to be decrease 8.64%, 20.1%, 86.49% and 21.17% respectively at increase of moisture content. Similar trend was observed for barnyard kernel also. True density (toluene displacement method) was found lower as compared to true density (proximate composition method) at all experimental moisture range indicated that the presence of void space inside the grain and kernel.
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