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Опубликовано 2010-09-02 На SciPeople2010-09-02 ЖурналВ мире научных открытий, № 3, Часть 2 Периодическое научное издание. – Красноярск: НИИЦ, 2009, с. 24 – 29

The development of the cluster technologies – present experiences and further developments

Леонова Ю. А., Авербух Е. А. / Julia Leonova


The present article summarizes and analysis major approaches to the definition and point of industrial complexes based on the cluster technologies. The main concern of the article will be based on principles characterizing formation and development of industrial clusters. Analyzing industrial complexes functioned in western regions the main conditions provided successful formation and development of the industrial clusters are assigned. The paper also presents the competitive analysis of regional industrial clusters as organization of production form with territorial production complexes.


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