Живу в г.Иваново, женат, двое детей. Работаю в сфере цифровых технологий обработки фотоизображений. Мания: добиться признания своей философской теории.
The famous teachings of Confucius, in the author's opinion, anticipated the appearance of the doctrine promoted in the article - synthesizing realism. The new teaching is designed to combine in one philosophical image of the world the three main branches of the development of modern...
Знаменитые поучения Конфуция, по мнению автора, предвосхитили появление пропа-гандируемого в статье учения - синтезирующий реализм. Новое учение призвано...
The study of the world of a person's private being in the external environment has begun from the outer zone, from the border of the mastered and known world. Synthesizing realism allows us to make a number of critical remarks about the methodology of the modern development of theoretical...
The theory of vortex (ring) determinism strictly fixes the fact of the division of the human world into three components: the inner world, the outer world and the world of their close interaction. The three main branches of the development of modern philosophy correspond to this division. The...
The new theory of vortex (ring) determinism, which focuses on the existence of internal causal sources, could not ignore the problem of the evolution of species of living organisms. According to Darwin's concept, the credit for the development of species belongs entirely to external...
A healthy interpretation of the category of expediency is given within the framework of the doctrine of synthesizing realism. Immanent teleology is placed on a solid causal basis and is included in synthesizing realism as a full-fledged section. The special role of human consciousness in the...
The theory of vortex (ring) determinism provided a strict philosophical explanation of the fact of the existence of individual objects and other natural formations. The question immediately arises of a strict philosophical explanation of the mechanism of interaction between them. With such an...
At present, the degree of formalization in market economy research in the context of active operation of norms and averages is limited by the low degree of homogeneity of the mass of market objects. The solution to the problem lies in the layer-by-layer dissection of the market in accordance with...
Прогрессивной трактовке сознания как сложной системы препятствует ряд принципиальных недостатков в развитии отечественной философии. Гармоничное решение...
С появлением кольцевого детерминизма на онтологической арене в дополнение к внешним источникам действий и изменений возникают внутренние источники, которые на...
Материалы V Российского философского конгресса, т.I,...
Внимательный анализ глубинных истоков возникновения принципиальных противоречий между позициями разных философских учений и школ привел автора к выводу, что значительная их часть лежит в сфере причинности....