Sergey Petrovich Gaponov

DSci., Ph.D, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Zoology and Parasitology, Voronezh State University    /    Россия, Воронеж


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S.P. Gaponov is a professional in the field of Zoology and Parasitology. An expert in fine morphology of the insect eggs. Entomologist, specialist in Diptera.

Сфера научных интересов


Ultrastructure of egg exochorion in the family Psilidae (Diptera)

Gaponov S.P.
Chorion structure of some species of the family Psilidae (Diptera) was descibed using SEM
Zoological Journal. – 1999. – T.78. – #. 6. – P.755-758.
egg   → chorion   → Psilidae  


Gaponov S.P.
Textbook for students of classical universities of Russia. - 800 pp.
Voronezh, Voronezh State University, 2005. - 800 pp.

Biology and preimaginal stages of the tachina fly Blepharipa pratensis (Diptera, Tachinidae)

Gaponov S.P., Khitsova L.N.
Fine morphology of the immature stages of tachinid fly Blepharipa pratensis were described. Life cycle of Blepharipa pratensis was studied.
Zoological Journal.– 1995. – T. 74. – # 8. – P. 94-99.
Blepharipa   → egg   → larva   → pupa  
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Профессиональный опыт

Научные и исследовательские проекты

Flies in biological control with insect pests 1988-1997

Study of bidiversity and host-parasite relations of the tachinid flies (Diptera, Tachinidae).

Study of circulation of arthropod borne diseases in the Central Black Soil Region 2003-2011

Collecting materials for data-base of the bloodaucking insects and ticks in the Central Black Soil Region of Russia

Study of evolutionary morphology of egg stage of Diptera 1986-2006

Study of fine morphology of Diptera, Cyclorrhapha eggs using scanning microscope. Analysis of evolutionary transformations of the eggs' chorion structures.

Мои курсы

Evolutionry Parasitology

Septemer, 1, Fall 2011, Voronezh State University (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

General Biology

September, 1, Fall 2011, Voronezh State University (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

Zoology of Vertebrates

September, 1, Fall 2011, Voronezh State University (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

Problems of Modern Parasitology

2011 2011, Voronezh State University (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

Evolution of the Life Cycles

2011 2011, Voronezh State University (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

Theory of Zoonotic Diseases

20012, Spring 2011, Voronezh State University (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

Medical Parasitology

2011 2011, Voronezh State University (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

Премии и награды

Associate Professor of Soros Foundation (2001)
Associate Professor of Soros Foundation (2000)
Associate Professor of Soros Foundation (1999)
Associate Professor of Soros Foundation (1998)
“Outstanding People of the 20th Century in Higher Education“ designation (Cambridge, 1998). (1998)
Associate Professor of Soros Foundation (1997)
Laureate of the European Academy of Natural Sciences Award (1996). (1996)
Man of the Year designation (American Biographical Institute, 1996). (1996)
Man of the Year designation (Cambridge, International Biographical Centre, 1996) (1996)
Decree of Merit in Medicine and Parasitology (Cambridge, 1996). (1996)
Laureate of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Award (1995)
Russian Academy of Sciences Talented Researchers’ Award (1994-1996). (1994)