Алексей Борисевич

к.т.н., инженер    /    Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Сфера научных интересов


Numerical homotopy continuation for control and online identification of nonlinear systems: the survey of selected results

Alex Borisevich
The article gives an overview of the parameter numerical continuation methodology applied to setpoint control and parameter identification of nonlinear systems. The control problems for affine systems as well as general (nonaffine) nonlinear systems are considered. Online parameter identification...

Switching strategy based on homotopy continuation for non-regular affine systems with application in induction motor control

Alex Borisevich, Gernot Schullerus
In the article the problem of output setpoint tracking for affine non-linear system is considered. Presented approach combines state feedback linearization and homotopy numerical continuation in subspaces of phase space where feedback linearization fails. The method of numerical parameter...

Test length estimation for the sequential circuits with interval signal representation

Aleksey V. Borisevich
Interval representation of logic signals suggested to estimation of the test sequences length for faults in digital circuits with memory. Developed pseudo-Boolean algebra over a set of intervals, which defines the operations that are analogous to logical disjunction, conjunction, and inversion,...
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Профессиональный опыт

Мои курсы

Микропроцессорная техника

осенний семестр 2010, Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Политехнический Университет (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

Теория автоматического управления

осенний семестр 2010, Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Политехнический Университет (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

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