Дмитрий Александрович Лытов

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Палеоевропейские языки: попытка классификации (Paleo-European languages: an attempt of classification)

Лытов Д.А.
This article in Russian represents an attempt of classification of known pre-Indo-European languages, either attested by inscriptions or reconstructed as substrates, based on both linguistic and archaeological data. The work is ongoing and the article represents just preliminary conclusions....

Происхождение басков и баскского языка (Euskaldunen eta euskararen jatorria)

Лытов Д.А.
This is the first part of my study of the Basque origin. The article discusses briefly development of archaeological cultures in the Basque country from Palaeolithic through the Bronze Age and comes to conclusion of impossibility of the Vasco-Caucasian hypothesis based on archaeological data.
"Герника", 2009, № 7

Рецензия на: Марк Бейкер. Атомы языка (Mark C. Baker. The Atoms of Language)

Лытов Д.А.
Критический обзор книги М. Бейкера "Атомы языка". Несомненный плюс исследования - иерархия двоичных параметров языка. Минусы - путаница с понятием...
