Sameer Suwan Dutt Mishra

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Presently I am working as CSIR- Senior Research Associate (Pool Scientist) at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. I am looking forward to Post Doctoral Position in the area of Photoelectrochemical/injection Solar Cells, Fuel Cell, Material Electrochemistry etc.

Сфера научных интересов


Electrodeposition of (ZnSe:colloidal HgS) composite and their photoelectrochemical characterization.

Sameer S.D.Mishra & Kehar Singh
Present investigation explores the possibilities of surfactant facilitated colloidal HgS particulate inclusion during the electrodeposition of ZnSe semiconductor film. Inclusion of colloidal particles was inferred on the basis of current-voltag, photoaction spectral studies and as well as...


Профессиональный опыт

Научные и исследовательские проекты

YOUNG SCIENTIST (Under SERC Fast Track Scheme)

Surfactant aided colloidal particle inclusion during electrosynthesis of mixed metal chalcogenide thin films and their photoelectrochemical characterization. Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology- New Delhi (INDIA)

Премии и награды

CSIR-Senior Research Associate (Pool Scientist) (2009)
CSIR-Research Associateship (2002)