Rupali Tiwari Bhargava

PhD (Botany), research associate    /    Индия, JHANSI


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Сфера научных интересов

Основная научная область: Биологические наукиБотаника


Профессиональный опыт

Научные и исследовательские проекты

Evaluation, conservation, documentation and estimation of resource potential of Dichanthium, Bothriochloa, Sehima, Heteropogon and Panicum germplasm”.

Characterization of grasses based on qualitative and quantitative characters and also their resource potential,conservation of grasses and their maintenance,estimation of variability present in the grasses.

Intellectual property rights management and commercialization and transfer of tecnologies ,

Identification and commercialization of techniques based on agroforestry,maintaining the activities of ITMU (Institute technology management unit) / IPR cell.

Мои курсы


september, 2003,9 2003, Indian grassland and fodder research institute,jhansi(U.P.) / bundelkhand university (Нет описания курса)
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