Еркара Жолдыбайулы Айдос

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The role of infinity with signs in mathematics

Айдос Е.Ж., Кадырова Р.С.
The article shows the significance of signs ∞ and ∞ (infinity with signs) for a full exposition of some of the problematic materials in mathematics. With its help smoothness of the curve, specified by functions with finite and infinite derivatives at the points, is determined. The...
2013; 2(3): 72-76 Published online May 30, 2013 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/edu)...

Inequality of Bernstein type for polynomials of hyperbolic crosses in a mixed norm

Айдос Е.Ж., Кадырова Р.С.
We prove the inequality of Bernstein type for polynomials with spectra of hyperbolic crosses in a mixed norm
ISSN 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 9, 494-498


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