Assa Aravindh

PhD    /    Индия, Chennai


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Compositional variation of magnetic moment, magnetic anisotropy energy and coercivity in Fe(1-x)Mx (M=Co/Ni) nanowires: An ab initio study

S. Assa Aravindh* . S. Mathi Jaya. M. C. Valsakumar. C. S. Sundar
Ab initio simulations are used to investigate the magnetic and electronic properties of freestanding Fe(1-x)Mx (M=Co/Ni) nanowires. The stability of the nanowires increases with Co (Ni) addition, as seen from the increase in cohesive energy. With the addition of Co(Ni), the average magnetic...

First principles studies of Fe/Co superlattices and multilayers with bcc(001) and (110) orientations

S.Assa Aravindh, S. Mathi Jaya, M.C.Valsakumar, C.S.Sundar
The layer resolved magnetic moments and magnetic anisotropy energy of Fe/Co superlattices and multilayers with (001) and (110) orientations obtained from first principles simulations are reported here. The magnetic moment of Fe atoms are found to depend on the geometry, coordination number and...


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