Asadollah Tabibzadeh

PhD Scholar , Faculty member Graphic designer    /    Индия, Hyderabad


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Asadollah Tabibzadeh is a Phd scholar Grphic designer/Faculty member of Islamic Azad University in Visual Communication department. As a faculty member he teaches subjects related to visual communication, Basics of Visual Arts, graphic design, typography and graphic software. In addition to that he also is the art director of Naghshneshan Graphic Design & Advertisement Co. and as the art director of this company he supervises and performs the projects and designs given to this company. S.Asadollah Tabibzadeh is a PhD. Scholar (Communication & Journalism) in Osmania University and has M.A. of Visual Communication from Islamic Azad University (1997) and B.A. in Visual Arts from Tehran University (1989).

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