Андрей Григорьевич Кривицкий

кандидат химических наук, доцент кафедры    /    Россия, Санкт-Петербург


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Основная научная область: Химические наукиРадиохимия


Radioactivity of vanadium ore: Radioecological aspects

R. V. Bogdanov, A. G. Krivitskii, Yu. S. Polekhovskii, N. V. Vinogradova
Chemical and mineral composition of uranium-containing ores from the Srednyaya Padma field (Karelia) was studied to forecast radioecological consequences of commercial production of vanadium at mining of fields with uranium mineralization. Along with carnotite, tyuyamunite, and pitchblendes of...
Radiochemistry,May–June 2006, Volume 48, Issue 3, pp 307-314

Relativistic component of chemical shift of Uranium X-ray emission lines

Yuri F. Batrakov, Andrey G. Krivitsky, Elena V. Puchkova
Twelve most intensive hard X-ray emission lines belonging to two multiplets (2p-3d and 2p-4d) and three doublets (2s-3p, 2s-4p, and 2p-3s) of the uranium L-series were studied by using a precise crystal-diffraction X-ray spectrometer. Chemical shift (CS) values were obtained for the first time...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, Volume 59, Issue 3, 31 March 2004, Pages 345–351

Effect of the chemical state of uranium atom on the energy of spin-orbital splitting of its inner orbitals

Yuri F. Batrakov, Andrey G. Krivitsky, Oleg V. Pospelov, Elena V. Puchkova
Chemical shifts (ChSh) of nine emission lines of the uranium L-series in uranium oxides UO2+x (x=0-1) with respect to UO2 were studied by using a precise crystal-diffraction X-ray spectrometer. ChSh of Lα1,α2 uranium and thorium lines in solid solutions yUO2·(1-y )ThO2 (y=0:1) were measured...
Radiochimica Acta, Volume 92, Issue 2/2004, Pages 73–80, ISSN (Print) 0033-8230, DOI:...


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