Morphological changes in the kidney, liver and spleen during prolonged administration of iron nanoparticles
N.A. Navolokin, G.N. Maslyakova, A.B. Bucharskya, X.M. Kong, V.V. Zuev, B.A. Medvedev, A.A. Ignatiev, T.V. Bochkaryeva
We determined the cytotoxic effect of iron nanoparticles of 70 nm, with a single per oral administration in an experiment on white outbred mice. Morphological changes were evaluated in the internal organs.
Thus, changes depend on the concentration of nanoparticles at long-term per oral exposure:...
Морфологические изменения внутренних органов и головного мозга при пролонгированном пероральном введении наночастиц железа
Наволокин Н. А., Кун С. М.
Цель: в эксперименте изучить морфологические изменения внутренних органов и головного мозга лабора-
торных животных при пролонгированном пероральном введении...
Comprehensive analysis of morphofunctional changes in the inner organs of laboratory animals after administration of gold nanoparticles
N.A. Navolokin, L.V. Suleymanova, S.S. Firsova, X.M. Kong
Nanomaterials can be used for a medical application because of some unique property that its size (and often chemistry) imparts. Therefore evaluating the safety of nanoparticles should be of highest priority given their expected worldwide distribution for medicine. Aim of study: encompass in vivo...