Babina Olga

Ученая степень не указана Assistant Professor    /    Россия, Челябинск

Контактная информация  

454080, Chelyabinsk, Russia 76 Lenin ave., suite 460 South-Ural State University Department of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication
Факс: +7(351)267-98-45
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Сфера научных интересов


Научный текст: лингвокогнитивный подход

Т.Н. Хомутова, О.И. Бабина
Рассматриваются вопросы анализа научного текста в русле лингвокогнитивного подхода, проводится корпусное исследование и стратификация лексического уровня...
Вестник ЮУрГУ. Сер. Лингвистика. - Вып. 9. - 2009. - №25(158). -...

NLP-based Patent Information Retrieval

Babina, O.
The paper presents an approach to information retrieval for a specific domain of patent claims. The approach rests on utilizing predicate-argument structure representation of full-text documents for organizing a fine-tuned retrieval of semantic information. Indexing and search rely on a versatile...
The Web Journal of Formal, Cognitive and Computational Linguistics. - Issue 8. - 2006

Профессиональный опыт

Научные и исследовательские проекты

Compiling a Bilingual English-Russian Dictionary of a Lexical Minimum in Computer Science Domain

The research project comprises statistical approach to analyzing corpus of scientific articles in Computer Science (in English), automatic composing the list of multiword keywords describing the domain, manual building of clusters according to the core component of the phrase and forming a bilingual description for each entry. The research is held under the supervision of prof. Tamara N....

Modelling NLP-based Full-Text Document Search in a Restricted Domain

The project is devoted to the development of the prototype IR system for the search within a document database of a restricted domain. The search method being developed is based on deep semantic approach to indexing documents and applying a domain ontology to refine the query formulation and query-document matching procedure. The focus is on comparing the effectiveness of search procedure,...


The project is aimed at the development of an application that helps Russian scientists in writing abstracts for their scientific articles in the English langauge. The outcome of the project is an authoring tool that allows automated generation of sentences in the Russian langauge and automaically compiles a glossary of terms including multi-word lexical units used in the text of the abstracts...

Мои курсы


Spring , South Ural State Uniersity (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

Information Technology in Linguistics

Spring Semester , South Ural State University (Нет описания курса)
Нет материалов для курса

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