Вакансии » Postdoc in theoretical chemistry, reaction dynamics

Создана more than year ago  . 

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of South Carolina 

Competitive and dependent on qualifications (>$40,000)

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A postdoctoral position in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry is available in the group of Prof. Garashchuk at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the University of South Carolina. Our research goal, stated broadly, is to develop methodology and to study quantum-mechanical effects in dynamics of nuclei in large reactive molecular systems. Preferred starting date is March 1-June 1, 2011. The appointment is for 1 year and can be extended for the second year by mutual consent. Interested candidates should send relevant information by e-mail to sgarashc@mail.chem.sc.edu Please attach a CV and list the names and contact information of two or three references.
Application Deadline: 30 May 2011
Contact: Sophya Garashchuk, sgarashc@mail.chem.sc.edu