Вакансии » PhD Positions in Remote Handing: Process Modelling

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Hardware and Software Development for Remote Handling Platforms 

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Several PhD positions available in the field of remote handling

Fifteen PhD positions are available in the field of remote handing: process modelling, hardware and software development for remote handling platforms, funded under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme Marie Curie Actions.

The network of PURESAFE - “Preventing hUman intervention for incrREased SAfety in inFrastructures Emitting ionizing radiation”, aims at enhancing career development and training of Early-Stage Researchers in the field of systems engineering. The program trains young researchers from multidisciplinary fields, such as mechanical engineering, software engineering, robotics and radiation protection for the purpose of cost-efficient life-cycle management of facilities generating ionizing radiation.

The network is lead by Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland, a world-leading training organization in the engineering of complex systems and remote handling of scientific infrastructures. The network including CERN and GSI follows the priorities defined in the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) report where GSI/FAIR is listed of great scientific importance, and the European Strategy for Particle Physics of the CERN Council, where the upgrade of Large Hadron Collider (sLHC) have been defined as a priority to keep the existing high energy physics facilities and expertise at the world-class level for decades to come.

See the following link for further information:


Or search “PURESAFE” in EURAXESS portal.

For further information, please use the contact addresses mentioned in the links above.


Several PhD positions available in the field of remote handling

Fifteen PhD positions are available in the field of remote handing: process modelling, hardware and software development for remote handling platforms, funded under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme Marie Curie Actions.

The network of PURESAFE - “Preventing hUman intervention for incrREased SAfety in inFrastructures Emitting ionizing radiation”, aims at enhancing career development and training of Early-Stage Researchers in the field of systems engineering. The program trains young researchers from multidisciplinary fields, such as mechanical engineering, software engineering, robotics and radiation protection for the purpose of cost-efficient life-cycle management of facilities generating ionizing radiation.

The network is lead by Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland, a world-leading training organization in the engineering of complex systems and remote handling of scientific infrastructures. The network including CERN and GSI follows the priorities defined in the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) report where GSI/FAIR is listed of great scientific importance, and the European Strategy for Particle Physics of the CERN Council, where the upgrade of Large Hadron Collider (sLHC) have been defined as a priority to keep the existing high energy physics facilities and expertise at the world-class level for decades to come.

See the following link for further information:

Country: Finland