Вакансии » Doctoral Positions in Materials for Engineering

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University of Brescia 

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Call for Doctoral positions in “MATERIALS for ENGINEERING” Doctoral Course, University of Brescia, Italy
Final date for application: 30th September 2011
Starting date: 1th January 2012
Duration: Three years
Scholarships : 7
Official language: Italian and English.

All doctoral students are encouraged to learn English/Italian during their studies.
Coordinator: Prof. Laura E. Depero ? Phone + 39 030 3715472
email: laura.depero[ at ]ing.unibs.it

Scientific Areas:
CHIM/07 Chemical Basis of Technologies
FIS/01 Physics
FIS/03 Solid State Physics
ICAR/08 – Theory of Structures
ICAR/09 – Building Technology
ING?IND/14 Machine Design
ING?IND/17 Logistics and Production Engineering
ING?IND/21 Metallurgy
ING?IND/22 Materials Science and Technology

The target of the Doctoral Programme is to provide doctoral students with qualified skills in engineering, useful to work in research centers or in companies as well. One of the aims of the Doctoral Programme is to allow the students to achieve a complete maturity and autonomy in planning, programming, developing and reporting their research activity.

Applications are invited from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold an Italian “laurea specialistica (magistrale)”, instituted in conformity with Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3 November 1999 and subsequent amendments, a university degree of the previous regulations, or an equivalent degree obtained abroad.

Applicants who have an Italian degree must submit the degree certificate together with the list of exams and grades obtained.

Applicants holding a foreign degree not officially recognized as equivalent to the Italian “laurea”, must explicitly request recognition of equivalence in their application by including:
1. the degree certificate;
2. the English translation of the degree certificate with exams taken, grades obtained and short description of a given academic qualification awarded by an institution located in a foreign country and belonging to an educational system different from the Italian one, signed under their own responsibility, to enable the Committee to declare its equivalence, valid solely for the purpose of admission to the selection process.

Applications are also invited from students who expect to complete their degree within the date set for qualification assessment. In such cases applicants must attach a declaration from their academic supervisor or the relevant faculty stating that the student is expected to complete the programme before the said deadline. Admission for candidates who have not graduated yet will be “conditional” and the applicant must present the relevant degree certificate with exams taken and grades obtained by the given deadline. Otherwise, the applicant shall lose the right to be admitted to the PhD Course.

Foreign candidates living abroad who wish to conduct the oral exam in their home country can arrange for a interview by videoconference. After the publication of the outcome of the assessment of qualifications, those candidates who would like to conduct the interview in their home country have to send an email to: laura.depero[ at ]ing.unibs.it, indicating the address and phone number of a university or diplomatic representation as well as the name of a third person who will confirm the candidate’s identity at the beginning of the interview.

The Commission will evaluate the candidate request and decide which way to proceed through. The Commission will then contact the candidate to agree on the day and time of the oral examination.

The oral exam is based on the general knowledge of Materials Engineering topics; particularly concerning the candidate’s research proposal, previous research activities, qualifications and research interests.

Doctoral student carrying out a co-tutelle program, requiring to spend a period of research in a foreign university, could be asked to follow a specific research program.

Applications must include:
? a photocopy of the applicant’s passport (pages with photo, personal data, and the information concerning the issue of the document).
? degree certificate or equivalent certification, as stated in art. 2 of this announcement;
? curriculum studiorum in English, Europass format;
? the thesis dissertation for the awarded degree (in pdf format – A4) or an extended abstract of it (4 pages– A4 format);
? certificate(s) attesting the knowledge of the English language at least C1 level, in case English is not the candidate’s mother tongue or if the candidate has not graduated from a BA or MA programme entirely taught in English.
? a research proposal in English in one of the areas studied in the Materials for Engineering Programme:
? one letter of recommendation written by experts in the research areas listed in art.1

The selection process is designed to assess the candidate’s knowledge and aptitude towards scientific research.

Applicants must present a document for identification in order to be admitted to the examination. The selection is based on:
a) an assessment of qualifications
b) an oral exam.

laura.depero[ at ]ing.unibs.it

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Country: Italy