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This is a general SciPeople discussion group. All site news are published here, all questions about the site can be asked here.

4 дек 2024
На сайте проводятся работы по упрощению интерфейса и небольшому приведению его к современному виду. На сегодняшний день статус этих работ — только актуализация.
14 авг 2009
we have fixed some minor bugs in courses, now you can announce your courses. we also going to add the ability to state the language of your courses. thanks to our users for comments
28 июн 2009

In foreign contries, a big part of educational and even scientific activities exists within the frames of cooperative associations, PTA organisations, and so on.  Moreover, the most interesting scientific and research projects exists and registers there sometimes. But with the registrations on this site arise problems with direction on them...

20 май 2009
Now you can store not only your publications on our site, but other files or documents. See "you->your documents" menu.
20 май 2009

Now, two kind of groups can be created: discussion groups and research groups. Research groups can contain files like papers or pictures to discuss. You comments are welcom, your opinion is very important for us.

20 май 2009
We hope, it is more eye candy and more informative