Издания   Исторические науки

Social Evolution & History

Журнал Архив номеров О журнале Авторам Авторам Читатели Блог

‘Social Evolution & History’ is a semiannual international journal that serves the needs of all scholars seeking an understanding of how human societies developed in the past and continue to develop in the present. The Journal acts as a forum for debate about key issues and concepts in the field, challenging and re-examining the boundaries of the search. As well as original research articles, the journal includes critical notes and a book review section. The Journal's aim is to contribute to the integration of such fields of knowledge as anthropology, history, sociology, and also philosophy and theory of history.

ISSN 1681–4363
Список ВАК Нет

О журнале

‘Social Evolution & History’ is a semiannual international journal that serves the needs of all scholars seeking an understanding of how human societies developed in the past and continue to develop in the present. The Journal acts as a forum for debate about key issues and concepts in the field, challenging and re-examining the boundaries of the search. As well as original research articles, the journal includes critical notes and a book review section. The Journal's aim is to contribute to the integration of such fields of knowledge as anthropology, history, sociology, and also philosophy and theory of history.