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African Invertebrates

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Журнал Архив Vol. 52, Issue 1

African Invertebrates is one of leading international peer-reviewed journals in the field of taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, biology, ecology, conservation and palaeontology of Afrotropical invertebrates, whether terrestrial, freshwater or marine. African Invertebrates is a recognised international vehicle for all aspects of invertebrate studies on the African continent and in surrounding waters, and has a more than one century-long history of excellence in broadcasting scientific achievements to researchers around the world. African Invertebrates is covered by ISI Science Citation Index (IF2009, 1.216), BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, Scopus and GeoRef. At present, the journal is published two times per year. Archival issues (1906-2007) are freely available through SABINET African Journal Archive.

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Vol. 52, Issue 1

Contains 12 research articles on Mollusca, Polychaeta, Arachnida, Insecta, Entomopathology, and Ecology, as well as one Erratum and one Book Review.


Notes on Caecidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from southern Mozambique, with the description of a new species

Albano, P.G. & Pizzini, M.
The Caecidae found in shallow water sediment samples in Inhaca Island and Maputo Bay are described and illustrated. Three species are recorded: Caecum chinense, which is the most common; Caecum....
2011 | African Invertebrates

Northern Drakensberg range Gulella species (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Streptaxidae): Gulella inobstructa van Bruggen, 1965, revisited, or types are not typical

Bruggen, A.C., van
Gulella inobstructa van Bruggen, 1965, was described from two adult shells from Magoebaskloof. Additional material shows that the range of variation in shell dimensions is quite considerable and....
2011 | African Invertebrates

Intertidal chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from southern Madagascar

Dell'Angelo, B., Prelle, G., Sosso, M. & Bonfitto, A.
This paper focuses on five species of Polyplacophora (Mollusca) collected from Lavanono, southern Madagascar. Ischnochiton sirenkoi is described as a new species and is compared with the two....
2011 | African Invertebrates

New species and new records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from central South Africa

Haddad, Ch.R. & Wesolowska, W.
Examination of recently collected material of predominantly ground-dwelling jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) mainly from the Free State and Northern Cape provinces, South Africa, lead to the....
2011 | African Invertebrates

Genetic diversity of Maghrebian Hottentotta (Scorpiones: Buthidae) scorpions based on CO1: new insights on the genus phylogeny and distribution.

Sousa, P., Froufe, E., Harris, D.J., Alves, P.C. & Meijden, A., van der
The medically important scorpion genus Hottentotta Birula, 1908 has long been a taxonomical challenge. This species-rich scorpion genus contains three lineages spread over most of Africa and part....
2011 | African Invertebrates

Further details of the morphology of the enigmatic African fly Mormotomyia hirsuta Austen (Diptera: Mormotomyiidae

Kirk-Spriggs, A.H., Kotrba, M. & Copeland, R.S.
Mormotomyia hirsuta Austen, 1936 is one of the most extraordinary and unusual looking Diptera and was placed by E.E. Austen into a family of its own, the Mormotomyiidae, upon its discovery in 1933.....
2011 | African Invertebrates

On the fauna of the plume moths (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) of Lesotho

Kovtunovich, V. & Ustjuzhanin, P.
The fauna of the plume moths of Lesotho is reviewed based on existing collections. Four new species are described: Platyptilia bowkeri, P. sochivkoi, Hellinsia basuto and Merrifieldia innae. In....
2011 | African Invertebrates

A catalogue of Dryinidae, Embolemidae and Sclerogibbidae of Kenya and Burundi, with descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea)

Olmi, M. & Copeland, R.S.
The following new species of Dryinidae are described from Kenya: Anteoninae: Anteon bytebieri, A. copelandi, A. shimbanum, A. whartoni; Dryininae: Dryinus copelandi, D. shimbanus; Gonatopodinae:....
2011 | African Invertebrates

The first Gondwanan Epimastax from the Lopingian of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Insecta: Palaeomanteida = Miomoptera: Permosialidae)

Rasnitsyn, A.P. & Dijk, D.E., van
Epimastax hesterae sp. n. is described from the Lopingian deposits of the Tarkastad Subgroup of the Beaufort Group. All described congeners are known from the Lower and Middle Permian (Sakmarian,....
2011 | African Invertebrates

Functional feeding groups as a taxonomic surrogate for a grassland arthropod assemblage

Buschke, F.T. & Seaman, M.T.
Considering the precarious conservation status of the grassland biome in South Africa, effective assessment and monitoring is imperative. The potential use of terrestrial arthropods in ecological....
2011 | African Invertebrates

ERRATUM Corrects 'Muratov, I.V. 2010. Afr. Invertebr. 51 (2): 255-288'

In 'Muratov, I.V. 2010. Terrestrial molluscs of Cabo Delgado and adjacent inland areas of north-eastern Mozambique. African Invertebrates 51 (2): 255-288, it was discovered that one of the....
2011 | African Invertebrates


Muller, B.S.
Raleigh, NC, USA: Lulu, 2011. 698 pp., 23x15 cm. Paperback, ISBN 978-0-557-92537-7. Hardcover, ISBN 978-0-557-91133-2. Available from www.lulu.com. With the advent of digital photography, the....
2011 | African Invertebrates