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Russian Open Medical Journal

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Журнал Архив Volume 2, issue 3

Russian Open Medical Journal (RusOMJ) (ISSN 2304-3415) is an international peer reviewed open access e-journal. RusOMJ publishes high quality original articles, reviews, bibliographies, clinical studies, case reports, news, and comment articles in English language in all field of medicine. RusOMJ is published quarterly (March, June, September, and December). Publishing in RusOMJ is free of charge. If your work is of good quality and fits the journal scope, we welcome it for peer reviewing. If you decide to submit your paper, please ease our work by carefully adhering to our journal requirements.

eISSN 2304-3415
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Volume 2, issue 3


Accumulation and biodistribution of gold nanoparticles in the mesenteric lymph nodes at oral administration

Olga V. Zlobina, Svetlana S. Pakhomiy, Alla B. Bucharskaya, Irina O. Bugaeva, Galina N. Maslyakova, Nikolai G. Khlebtsov, Boris N. Khlebtsov, Vladimir A. Bogatyrev
The aim: to conduct analysis of the accumulation and biodistribution of gold nanoparticles in the structural and functional areas of mesenteric lymph nodes of white rats conducted with regard to....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

Is Haemophilus influenzae better satellite for Enterococcus faecalis?

Firat Zafer Mengeloglu, Tekin Tas, Esra Kocoglu, Özlem Bucak, Seyda Karabörk, Kübra Ceylan
Background — Haemophilus influenzae can grow on blood agar media with Staphylococcus aureus which can provide factor V as it is called “Satellite phenomenon”. Objectives — In this study we tested....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

The usage of THz radiation of nitrogen oxide occurrence in blood antioxidant characteristics correction and lipid peroxidation process under stress conditions

Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Alexander A. Tsymbal
There has been studied influence of terahertz waves of molecular and absorption spectrum occurrence of 150.176-150.664 GHz nitrogen oxide on intensity of lipid peroxidation processes and blood....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

Comparative evaluation of antioxidant drug influence on a radio therapy efficiency and oxidative status in mice

Alexander V. Siprov, I.M. Vashurkina, V.A. Masyagin
The aim of the study is a comparative analysis of the effect of melatonin (Melaxen) and 3-hydroxypyridine (Mexidol) on antitumor and antimetastatic influence of chemoradiotherapy and oxidative....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

Quality of life among patients with hand eczema in Iran

Hossein Safizadeh, Simin Shamsi-Meymandy, Laleh Nasri, Manzumeh Shamsi-Meymandy
Background — Hand eczema is among the most common dermatological diseases with a chronic course. It has undesirable psychological, social and occupational outcomes affecting patient’s quality of....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

Detoxical aspects of nutritional therapy using natural enterosorbents on the basis of pectins

Elena E. Tekutskaya
The rate of anthropogenic pollution and reduction of the environmental quality progress quicker than adaptive possibilities of an organism. This causes pre-pathological and pathological changes. So....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

Evaluation of cardiovascular risk factors among university students in Turkey: a cross-sectional survey

Rasim Kutlu, Mehmet Erdem Memetoglu
Background — Recent data indicate increasing rates of mortality from cardiovascular (CV) disease in Turkey. This study aimed to evaluate CV disease risk factors among university students in....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

Graft flow assessment with transthoracic Doppler after coronary arterial bypass grafting with bilateral internal thoracic arteries using Y-graft technique

Tigran Akobyan
Purpose — The aim of our study is to assess the transthoracic Doppler parameters of left internal thoracic artery`s stem (LITA) flow after coronary artery bypass surgery with free right internal....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

Role of cinacalcet in the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease

H.K. Aggarwal, Deepak Jain, Vipin Kaverappa, Sumin Kaushik, Sachin Yadav
Introduction — Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) is common in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) affecting most of the patients in end stage renal disease. Materials and Methods — This....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

Prevalence of glaucoma in an eye clinic in Ghana

Kenneth Bentum Otabil, Seth Boateng Tenkorang, Ankrah Lennox Mac, Emmanuel Arkaa Otabil
Background — Glaucoma is an important eye disease that causes blindness with a frequency second only to blindness due to cataracts. Early detection of the condition is critical to preventing....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal

The responses of white blood cells to weight loss among young male judoists

Ardalan Shariat, Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin, Mahmoud Danaee, Hossein Karimi
The purpose of this study was the assessment of white blood cells in response to acute and gradual weight loss among young male judoists. Material and Methods—Twenty four healthy young judoists....
2013 | Russian Open Medical Journal