8 окт 2012
Invitation for Reference Book Chapters
We are interesting to publish a reference book on bioprocess
engineering, We request to all of you, kindly contribute for this book
by providing book chapters/review articles and protocols followed and developed by you during research (Ph.D/M.Tech etc).
Review Articles on
Drug designing
Homology Modeling
Protein folding
Bioactive compounds study
Microbial Technology
Fermentation Technology
Industrial Applications of Biomolecules
Biotechnology for Agriculture and environment
This book Will be publish LAP Publishing House.
Yours contribution will highly obliged us
Kindly ensure your contribution ASAP
Sincerely Yours
Dr. Shrikant Sharma (PhD in Bioinformatics)
Dr. Mohan Lal Kalyan (PhD in Microbiology)
Sincerely Yours
Amitava Mandal