Цель исследования: определение оптимальных параметров двигателя с взлетной тягой 235 кН, для дальнейшего использования на дальнемагистральных самолётах. В статье рассмотрены особенности современных....
Среди множества источников загрязнения водных объектов наиболее опасны судовые дизели в составе энергетических
установок. В условиях интенсивного развития транспортного и промышленного флотов его....
Труды Крылов- ского государственного научного центра.
В статье приводится обзор методов контроля очистки полупроводниковых пластин, приводится описание установки контроля на основе метода люминесцентного анализа, на основе полученных результатов....
The paper presents economic justification for applicability of near-surface geothermal installations in Luga region, based on results of techno-economic calculations as well as integrated technical....
Fitsak V. V., Strakhova A. A., Chernobai V. I., Lomakina E. S.
With progress in depth, the most effective way to increase the
field of application of room and pillar system is the transition
to the combined support of the ore-concrete-ore or....
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Based on the selected options of room-and-pillar systems, there are distinguished the main criteria and technical-and-economic indices having an impact on the rationality of mining systems’ use....
The present finding describes an efficient facile approach for the fabrication of nitrogen-doped carbon dots (N-CDs) as a “fluorescent nanoswitch”. Highly fluorescent blue-light-emitting N-CDs have....
Presently, the doping of nano-carbons with the heteroatoms and metal-salts as an external dopant is a common practice for articulating the optical applicative efficiency especially of the carbon....
Self-Doped Nontoxic Red-Emitting Mg-N-embedded Carbon Dots for Imaging, Cu (II) Sensing and Fluorescent Ink
The present finding deals with a simple and low-cost fabrication of surface-passivated, brightly fluorescent zincoxide-
decorated, red-emitting excitation-independent ultrafluorescent CDs, denoted....
Brightly Fluorescent Zinc-Doped Red-Emitting Carbon Dots for the Sunlight-Induced Photoreduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III)
A straightforward and simpler use of an age-old
technique was utilized for the fabrication of “red-emitting magnesium-nitrogen-embedded carbon dots” (r-Mg-N-CD) from the leaves extract of....
Sunlight-Induced Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutant Dye by Highly Fluorescent Red-Emitting Mg-N-Embedded Carbon Dots
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