The research objective is to work out the creation of Russian-language questionnaire for assessing quality of life of patients with chronic urticaria by adapting the questionnaire «Chronic Urticaria Quality of Life Questionnaire» (CU-Q2oL) to Russian conditions. The study involved 150 patients aged 18 to 50 years (32,41±6,02) with chronic urticaria. Cultural and linguistic adaptation of the questionnaire was conducted according to international methodology. Evaluation of reliability was conducted by calculating Cronbach's б-coefficient, constructive validity -the method of «known groups» and the identification of mutual correlations with the scales of the SF-36 questionnaire, sensitivity-by comparing the quality of life before and after the treatment. High values of Cronbach's б-coefficient (>0.72) were obtained, the dependence of quality of life on the severity of chronic urticaria was proved to be significant, as well as the sensitivity of the questionnaire to clinical changes. The research findings confirmed good psychometric properties of Russian version of the questionnaire. The developed version of the questionnaire is a reliable, valid and sensitive device for assessing the quality of life in patients with chronic urticaria, and may be used in scientific and clinical research.
Nekrasova Е.Е., Razvalyaeva A.V., Malyuzhinskaya N.V. Russian version of CU-Q2oL questionnaire for estimation of quality of life of patients with chronic urticaria // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 566-569
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