The purpose of the work is to estimate the status of autonomic nervous system in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia by means of the analysis of heart rate variability at various stages of disease. 120 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia aged from 45 to 65 took part in the research. The comparison group included 30 patients with an arterial hypertension and without chronic cerebral ischemia. Heart rate variability analisis included time-domain and frequency-domain methods of five-minute sequence of the electrocardiographic intervals registered in at rest and in or-thostatic probe. The results of research have shown, that autonomic disorders with prevalence of sympathetic nervous system accompany initial implications of chronic cerebral ischemia. The second stage of disease is characterized by depression of activity of both autonomic, and central regulation. The expressed depression of autonomic maintenance of regulation of heart rhythm of both from sympathetic, and from parasympathetic nervous system was observed at the third stage of chronic cerebral ischemia
Smyshlaeva О.М. Heart rate variability in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 2010, pp. 800-803
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